
Low Impact Chair Workout

Grab a chair and a couple of tin of beans (or any small tin you have in the cupboard) and complete 3 circuits of this low impact chair workout.

But before you start, make sure you warm up with James. Join in with the warm up video below!


Exercise 1: Seated Stars

  • Start with knees bent and arms resting at your sides.
  • Extend your legs, straight and wide, with heels on the floor, and raise your arms in a V.
  • Then bring your limbs back to the centre and repeat. 

Repeat 15 times.


Exercise 2: Pec Fly

  • Form a goalpost with your arms: Keep your upper arms (shoulders to elbows) parallel to the floor and your lower arms (elbows to hands) perpendicular to it.
  • Bring your forearms together in front of your face.
  • Return your arms to the starting point, squeezing your shoulder blades together and repeat.

Repeat 15 times.


Exercise 3: Leg Extensions

  • Sit at the edge of the chair, feet on the floor, hands on each side of the chair seat.
  • Keep your upper body still while you extend and straighten your right leg, hold for a second before returning to the start position.
  • Alternate between each leg.

Repeat 15 times.


Exercise 4: Side Raises

  • Sit at the edge of the chair with a weight in each hand, arms at your sides, elbows slightly bent.
  • Keeping your shoulders stacked over your hips, avoid leaning forward or backwards.
  • Raise your arms outwards and upwards to shoulder height.
  • At the top of the range of motion, wrists and elbows should be in line with your shoulders.
  • Avoid allowing the wrists to bend up or down. Reverse the movement and repeat.

Repeat 15 times.


Exercise 5: Bent Over Rows

  • Move to the front of the chair and grip two tins of beans in each hand.
  • With feet flat on the floor, hinge forward at the hips, keeping your upper back flat and dropping your arms to the outside of your legs.
  • Keeping your neck in neutral and eyes focused ahead of your feet and brace your abdominal. This is your start position.
  • Pull the dumbbells upward, allowing your elbows to rise and point rearwards, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Pause for a second, and then return to the start position.

Repeat 15 times.


Exercise 6: Torso Twists

  • Sit with good posture holding a weight in front of torso, elbows slightly bent.
  • Keeping the abs contracted, rotate the weight to the right while keeping the hips and legs facing forward.
  • Contract abs to bring the weight back to centre and then repeat to the left.
  • Go slowly and concentrate on rotating only at the torso.

Repeat 15 times.


Exercise 7: Seated Calf Raises

  • Sitting at the edge of the chair with feet flat on the floor and hands resting on the thighs.
  • Slowly lift your heels off the floor, contracting your calf muscles. Pause before lowering your heels back to the floor and repeat.

Repeat 15 times.


Exercise 8: Seated Bicycle

  • Sit tall (chest high and shoulders down) on the front half of your chair.
  • Grasp the sides lightly with your hands and lean back slightly as you tighten your abs and bring your right knee up to chest height.
  • Lower it as you raise your left knee(in a cycling motion) on the next rep.

Repeat 15 times.

Don't forget, perform 3 circuits of the upper body programme.

Then it's time to cool down! Join in our short cool down video with James once you have finished your workout.